The 1919 Club Newsletter- June 2020
DeMolays Connection to Political Figures
DeMolay has a long-standing tradition of support from the men who have served as President of the United States. Regardless of a political party or Masonic affiliation, many presidents have recognized the benefits that DeMolay has on the young men who participate and society itself. Franklin Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, and Harry Truman were all elected Honorary Grand Masters of DeMolay International. Richard Nixon was named an honorary Trustee of the DeMolay Foundation. In addition to these, DeMolay was fortunate to have two Senior DeMolays serve as heads of government in their respective countries: U.S. President William J. Clinton and the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker, who served as the thirteenth Prime Minister of Canada. Brother Diefenbaker was also elected an Honorary Grand Master of DeMolay.
The archives of DeMolay contain the correspondence between these world leaders and Dad Land. Some examples include:
The White House
International DeMolay Week
March 17 – 24, 1974
“On behalf of all Americans, I warmly salute the work of the Order of DeMolay. This special observance gives each of us the opportunity to recognize and applaud an outstanding character-building organization of young men who represent a vital part of the future of our nation. That they have joined together to better prepare themselves for productive and satisfying adult lives is a tribute to them and a source of reassurance to all of us who look with confidence to their leadership in the years ahead”.
“The experience they derive from their participation in the useful programs and civic and charitable projects sponsored by the Order of DeMolay will serve them in good stead as they take up the responsibilities of a challenging era”.
Richard Nixon
37th President of The United States
“The Order of DeMolay has prepared young men to become better citizens and leaders for our country. My DeMolay experience gave me the confidence to develop my skills as a speaker, team member, and leader, and then to realize and accomplish my dreams. I will always be thankful for the guidance given to me by my friends in DeMolay.”
Bill Clinton
42nd President of The United States
Below is the letter was written to Dad Land from President Eisenhower regretting his inability to be in Kansas City when Dad Land was recognized as “Citizen Extraordinary.” This letter is written on a bronze plaque that is found in the DeMolay International Service and Leadership Center.
My Dear Dad Land,
I greatly regret that I cannot be in Kansas City this evening to join with your fellow townspeople and with your legions of friends throughout the nation in paying tribute to you and your many accomplishments your worth as a man.
While we all think first of the great contribution which the Order of DeMolay has made to our society, I also remember the many other activities and areas of service which have felt your quiet ability and unassuming talents. Certainly, you have earned the title of “Citizen Extraordinary”
With kindest regards, I am
Dwight D. Eisenhower
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From Dad Land's Speech Notes
"The Great Dictator"
Excerpts From the Final Speech
By "Charlie" Chaplin
The good earth is rich and will provide for everyone but we have lost the way. Greed has polluted the source and has barricaded the world with hate.
We think too much and feel too little. We need kindness and gladness. Without these qualities, all would be lost. Do not despair. The passing of greed will but weed out men who deviated from the way human progress and so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
You are not machines; you are not cattle; you are men! Only the enslaved hate. Soldiers, do not fight for slavery.
" Whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it."-- Luke 17:33
You the people have the power to create warmth and happiness, to make this life free and beautiful. Use that power. Let us fight for a new world. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Do away with---- hate and brutality. Soldiers, in the name of Democracy, let us all unite.
Wherever you are, the clouds are lifting; the sun is breaking through; we are coming out of the darkness and are coming into a new world where men will rise above their greed and hate.
The soul of men has been given wings and at last, he is beginning to fly; he is flying into the rainbow- the glorious future- the future which belongs to you and me and all of us.
Come back next month for more speaking notes of Dad Lands, and fascinating pieces of DeMolay history!