DeMolay Selects Summer 2018 Interns
KANSAS CITY, MO – DeMolay International is proud to announce the selection of two outstanding DeMolay leaders to serve as Interns at the Henry E. “Hank” Stickney Service & Leadership Center for the summer 2018 term.
Jake Vermeulen, Past State Master Councilor of Indiana DeMolay, is completing his freshman year at Wabash College majoring in economics and political science. Active on campus, Jake performs with two vocal performance groups and writes for the school paper, The Bachelor. He has been selected as the paper’s News Editor for the 2018—2019 year. Brother Vermeulen also competed in Moot Court competition, becoming the only freshman to reach the finals in a competition judged by several senior State Judges and legal professionals.
During his DeMolay career, Brother Vermeulen has received the Founder’s Membership Award, Blue Honor Key, Representative DeMolay Award, Past Master Councilor’s Meritorious Service Award, and was named Indiana DeMolay of the Year. He was a Delegate to the 49th and 50th International DeMolay Congresses, and served on the Congress Video Committee. Jake has also participated in, and won, numerous ritual competitions. Jake’s future plans include attending law school.
Cameron Weaver, State Senior Councilor of Iowa DeMolay, is a graduating Senior at Mount Vernon High School in Mount Vernon, Iowa. During his school career, Brother Weaver has maintained his status as an honor student while competing in multiple sports and working part-time. He has also completed all but one class of his freshman year in college.
Within DeMolay, Brother Weaver has earned the Founder’s Membership Award, Lamp of Knowledge, Past Master Councilor’s Meritorious Service Award, and the Distinguished Service Award. He was also a State Ritual Champion in 2016. Brother Weaver will serve as the State Master Councilor of Iowa DeMolay during DeMolay’s Centennial Year. After taking a gap year, Cameron will enroll at Arizona State University majoring in finance.
During their internships, Brothers Vermeulen and Weaver will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the operation of an international educational charity including governance, finance, administration, membership services, and communications. They will also assist in the planning and execution of the annual meetings of the International Supreme Council and International DeMolay Congress and assist with launching programs related to DeMolay’s Centennial celebration.
For more information about the DeMolay International Internship Program, please visit