DeMolay & Shriners Centennial Courtyard Collaboration

On Monday January 8, a special meeting was held at the DeMolay International Henry E. "Hank" Stickney Service & Leadership Center between the Grand Master of DeMolay, Dad Ron Minshall, and the Imperial Potentate of Shriners International, Dad Gary Bergenske, to finalize an agreement that had been months in the making. The result of their labor was an agreement to collaborate on Charity enShrined - a Centennial Courtyard, to commemorate the 100 anniversary of DeMolay. Dad Frank S. Land, who will be a central figure within the Courtyard, is both the founder of DeMolay and a Past Imperial Potentate, making Shriners International the perfect partner for this endeavor. To signify the partnership, the famous "Silent Messenger" statue depicting a Shriner carrying a child will be placed in the courtyard in memory of Imperial Sir and Dad Jack Jones, Past Imperial Potentate and an Honorary Grand Master of DeMolay. The signing of the agreement was live-streamed and a recording can be found on DeMolay International’s Facebook page.

Both Dad Minshall and Dad Bergenske expressed their pleasure with this arrangement, with Grand Master Minshall specifically stating “we are extremely excited that the Shrine was wanting to do this in Honor of Imperial Sir Jack, because he’s not just a Shriner to us, he’s a DeMolay.”

Speaking about their decision to participate in the courtyard, Imperial Sir Bergenske said,“Shriners International and our members feel that it is so important - so important - especially in today’s world, that we help mentor and nurture our young men who will eventually be the leaders of our country.”

“A tip of the Fez to all the DeMolay members. You do an extraordinary job in your communities, in helping each other, in mentoring each other. For the message that you carry of making the world a better place, I salute you. Thank you for your service.”

Grand Master Minshall also thanked Imperial Sir Bergenske for his service as a DeMolay Advisor, and most recently as an Honorary Member of the International Supreme Council, to which Dad Bergenske replied, “Well it’s very easy to be an advisor -to be a helper- in something you really believe in. And I believe in DeMolay and I believe in your members.”

To find out more about the Charity enShrined project, including how you can become part of this incredible opportunity to celebrate 100 years of DeMolay, visit