Carroll Campbell, Jr.
"In our time, as perhaps never before, young men everywhere need the positive influence of the Order of DeMolay. In the Vows and Cardinal Virtues of the Order, any young man may find a straight and clear path to manhood; to honor, to dignity, to self respect, to accomplishment, and success in his most difficult undertakings. In the face of all the challenges and all the obstacles one must confront in life, the lessons and the ideals of the Order of DeMolay are a source of wealth beyond price, and of truth which will endure forever."
Governor of South Carolina and former United States Congressman
Began political career at age 20 by helping a friend run for public office - 1960
Elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives - 1970
Re-elected - 1972
Elected to the South Carolina Senate - 1976
Elected to the United States Congress - 1978
Named Outstanding Freshman Congressman - 1979
Elected Governor of South Carolina - 1986
Named to the National Governor's Association Executive Committee - 1988
Co-Chairman National Governor's Association Task force on Education
Re-elected Governor of South Carolina by one of the biggest margins in history 1990
Greenville Chapter, Greenville, South Carolina
Initiated: August 3, 1955
Legion of Honor 1988