Henry M. Jackson
"The more things change, the more they are the same. Regardless of the great changes in our society, there is something immutable about DeMolay. The molding of the character and the integrity of young men, that's the greatest accomplishment of DeMolay. By serving the Order of DeMolay, we can bring the light of ideals into the lives of young men."
United States Congressman
United States Senator
Historians claim he was "the best President we never had."
Elected from Washington State to Congress at the age of 28.
Elected to the Senate in 1952.
Known for both his tough stand on defense issues andfor his hard fought conservation legislation.
Chosen by fellow senators in the 1970's as "the most effective senator."
Twice a candidate for the Presidency of the United States.
Legion of Honor
Cascade Chapter, Everett, Washington. Initiated 1928.