John McNaughton
On this significant occasion, I am humbled to receive the honor which the International Order of DeMolay has decided to bestow upon this supportive and grateful Senior DeMolay. I still reflect upon the ethics and personality development which I received in my days as an Indiana DeMolay. What I learned at chapter meetings and in the company of other DeMolays blended in so smoothly with church teachings and, later on, into the tenets of Freemasonry. The rough ashlar was little by little smoothed by what I learned from such organizations. It is my fervent hope that future generations of young men may be helped to enjoy better and fuller lives as good husbands, loyal friends, tolerant men of faith and patriotic citizens of our great country. DeMolay has served me well and I hope that I have served in some small way this noble order.
Sovereign Grand Commander, AASR, NMJSovereign Grand Commander, AASR, NMJ
Graduate Indiana University, degree in Forensic Studies (1973)
Detective with the Fort Wayne Indiana Police Department (1973 - 1983)
President All Rite Distributing Company (1983 - Present)
Joined Freemasonry (1974)
Master Maumee Lodge No. 725, Fort Wayne, IndianaPresiding Officer of Lodge of Perfection, Scottish Rite Valley (1996)
Active Member Supreme Council's Governing Board (1998)
Membership of the York Rite and Mizpah Shrine Center, Fort Wayne, IndianaPast President of the Fort Wayne Rotary ClubActive with Trinity Presbyterian Church by serving asTreasurer, Trustee and Deacon33 Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Initiated: October 28, 1964 DeMolay Degree: December 5, 1964Fort Wayne Chapter (IN)