William A. hoover
United States Army
"I didn't grow up with a brother or father, but being in DeMolay I gained more brothers and fathers than I could have imagined. DeMolay gave me a second family that I will cherish, and now I'm honored to be an inspiration to future generations."
Metro League Track Champion - 2005-2008
Master Councilor Elk Grove - 2007
Joined the United States Army - 2007
Graduated Sacramento New Technology High School - 2008
Assigned to 341st MP San Jose, California
First Tour 422nd MP Iraq/Bahrain - February 2010-June 2011
Apple Customer Relations - 2012
Second Tour Team Leader 357th MP Guantanamo Bay Prison Guard - 2013-2014
Third Tour (USACE) Afghanistan Personal Security Detachment - May 2014
DeMolay International Grand Cross - 2015
Honorary DeMolay International Master Councilor - 2015
Military Honors
Bronze Star w/ Valor
Purple Heart
Meritorious Service Medal
USO Honoree - 2015